Recent Advances & Controversies in the Measurement of Energy Metabolism
The proceedings of the 9th Fribourg Obesity Research Conference (FORC-2017) have been published in a special issue of
Obesity Reviews: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/1467789x/2018/19/S1
9th Fribourg Obesity Research Conference (FORC-2017)
Targeting Lifestyle Energy Expenditure in Management of Obesity & Cardiometabolic Risks: from Biology to Built environment
Organised by: Abdul Dulloo, Jennifer Miles-Chan, Yves Schutz, Jean-Pierre Montani
Scientific Program
Thursday 19th October
10:00 – 10:15 Welcome to FORC-2017
Jean-Pierre Montani & Abdul Dulloo
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
10:15 – 13:00 Morning Session
10:15 – 10:45 Changes in physical activity over lifespan: impact on body composition & sarcopenic obesity
Klaas Westerterp
University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
10:45 – 11:20 Modulation of behavioural energy expenditure: from a built environment perspective
Stanley Ulijaszek
University of Oxford, UK
11:20 – 11:50 Coffee/tea break and Poster Viewing
11:50 – 12:25 Modulation of non-shivering Thermogenesis: from a built environment perspective
Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt
University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
12:25 – 13:00 How much exercise should be promoted to raise daily energy expenditure and health?
Nuala Byrne
University of Tasmania, Australia
13:00 – 14:10 Lunch
14:15 – 17:35 Afternoon Session
14:15 – 14:50 Why physical activity does little to control weight: the exercise paradox
Herman Pontzer
Hunter College, New York, USA
14:50 – 15:25 Energy intake compensation in response to energy deficit by diet versus exercise
Eric Doucet
University of Ottawa, Canada
15:25 – 16:00 Metabolic responses to caloric restriction: from a perspective of lean-fat tissue partitioning
John Speakman
University of Aberdeen, Scotland
16:00 – 16:25 Coffee/tea break and Poster Viewing
16:25 – 17:00 Gender issues in promoting physical activity & fat oxidation in obesity management
Jennifer Miles-Chan
University of Auckland, New Zealand
17:00 – 17:35 Novel dietary strategies to attenuate adaptive responses in obesity therapy
Amanda Salis (née Sainsbury)
University of Sydney, Australia
17:35 – 17:40 Closing Remarks
Abdul Dulloo
University of Fribourg, Switzerland