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Local Organising Committee:

Guy Plasqui, Kong Chen,  Anders Sjödin, Ed Melanson, Paul MacLean, Klaas Westerterp

Scientific Program

Wednesday 2nd November                      

16:00 – 16:45                      NUTRIM Lecture: 

Caloric Restriction and Longevity: Do we live longer or does it just seem longer?

Eric Ravussin


16:45 – 17:15                     Official opening of the new Metabolic Research Unit


17:15 –                                RACMEM Welcome Reception


Thursday 3rd November    


08:15 – 08:30                     Welcome RACMEM-2011

Guy Plasqui

08:30 – 09:15                     Keynote Lecture 1: 

Academic Genealogy and Direct Calorimetry: A Personal Account

Donald C. Jackson

Moderators: Guy Plasqui & Ed Melanson

09:15 – 10:25                      Session 1:

Circadian Rhythm and Sleep: From Physiology to Pathophysiology

Moderators: Ed Melanson and Kumpei Tokuyama

  • How can avoiding the most sedentary activity of all make us fat?

Ander Sjödin

  • Metabolic rate and fuel utilisation during sleep                                       

Kumpei Tokuyama

  • Effect of 5 nights of sleep restriction on 24h energy expenditure, energy intake, and energy balance in humans

Rachel R. Markwald, Edward L. Melanson, Mark R. Smith, Janine A. Higgins, Leigh Perreault, Robert H. Eckel, Kenneth P. Wright Jr.

  • Inter-individual relationships between energy balance and SWS + REM sleep in normal weight men measured over 48h in controlled conditions in the respiration chamber

Femke Rutters, H. Gonnissen, R. Hursel, S. Lemmens, E. Martens, M.S. Westerterp-Plantenga


10:25 – 10:55                      Coffee/tea break, combined with sponsor exhibition

10:55 – 12:35                      Session 2:

Thermogenic Nutrients, Exercise and Substrate Utilisation

Moderators: Yves Schutz and Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga

  • If I exercise today, how much fat will I burn? It depends

Ed Melanson

  • Interaction but no synergism of thermogenic ingredients                                

Rick Hursel

  • Effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and caffeine on processes of thermogenesis in men during mild cold exposure

C. Gosselin and F. Haman

  • Thermogenesis and oxidative fuel selection during a 24h arctic survival simulation

BM Pinet, Hynes Z, Basset FA, McGarr GW, Hartley GL, Taber MJ, Ducharme MB, Cheung SS, Haman F.

  • Is there a discrepancy in metabolic rate and substrate oxidation between sitting comfortably and lying down?

D Sarafian, Miles-Chan JL, Montani JP, Schutz Y, Dulloo AG.

  • Counteracting energy restriction effects on hunger and energy expenditure with single or mixed bio-active ingredients                               

M. Westerterp-Plantenga, A Smeets, S. Lemmens, E Martens, P Janssens, R Hursel.


12:35 – 14:15                      Lunch / Poster Session / Sponsor exhibition / Tour of new metabolic facilities

14:15 – 15:45                      Session 3:

Room Calorimeters and Their Application: Past, Present and Future

Moderators: Klaas Westerterp and Eric Ravussin

  • Understanding energy regulation - Some clinical calorimetric observations in the context of an established perspective

Peter Murgatroyd

  • Back to the future: Making the tough choices in building and upgrading room calorimeters                                       

Kong Chen

  • The Fire Of Life rekindled: Indirect calorimetry evolves from experimental tool to metabolism trendsetter

Paul Schoffelen

  • Traceable calibration for room calorimeters

Erica Wohlers, Jon Moon, Firoz Vohra, Nacy Butte

  • Calculation of diet-induced thermogenesis in human metabolic chambers in the presence of exercise

RJ Brychta, Marinac CR, McMahon GC, Chen KY

15:45 – 16:05                      Coffee/tea break, combined with sponsor exhibition

16:05 – 17:30                      Session 4:

Clinical Applications

Moderators: Anders Sjödin and Michael D. Jensen

  • Adipose tissue fatty acid trafficking in context of whole body energy metabolism

Michael D. Jensen

  • Caloric restriction-like effects of 30 days of resveratrol (Resvidatm) supplementation on energy metabolism and metabolic profile in obese humans                                       

Silvie Timmers, Ellen Konings, Lena Bilet, Tineke van de Weijer, Joris Hoeks, Sophie van der Krieken, Esther Moonen-Kornips, Gijs H. Goosens, Matthijs K.C. Hesselink, Iris Kunze, Vera B. Schrauwen-Hinderling, Ellen Blaak, Patrick Schrauwen

  • Brown adipose tissue and cold-induced thermogenesis in morbidly obese subjects before and after bariatric surgery

Guy H.E.J. Vijgen, Nichole D. Bouvy, G.J. Jaap Teule, Boudewijn Brans, Patrick Schrauwen, Wouter D. van Marken Lichtenbelt

  • Energy expenditure and body composition: defining the norm

Laura Watson, Pip Raymond-Barker, Krishna Chatterjee, David Savage, Les Bluck, Peter R Murgatroyd

  • Amount of walking in daily life is related to the O2 cost of walking in adults with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy

Hans Bussman, Slaman J, van den Berg-Emons HJG

17:35 – 18:15                      Topical Debate: - Moderators: Abdul Dulloo, Kong Chen and Donald Jackson  

Room Calorimeters: Why do we need them?

John Speakman vs. Eric Ravussin

19:00 –                                Drinks and Conference Dinner


Friday 4th November


08:20 – 09:00                      Keynote Lecture 2 - Moderators: Paul MacLean and John Speakman

What Constitutes Adaptive Thermogenesis in Body Composition Regulation?

Abdul Dulloo

09:00 – 10:25                      Session 5:

Recent Advances in Animal Calorimetry

Moderators: Patrick Even and Paul MacLean

  • Considerations for component analysis and normalization of energy expenditure data

Paul MacLean

  • Component analysis of calorimetry data in free moving/feeding animals    

Patrick Even

  • Estimation of activity-related energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate from indirect calorimetry data in freely moving mice

Jan Bert van Klinken, Sjoerd A.A. van den Berg, Louis M. Havekes, Ko Willems van Dijk

  • Attenuation of decreasing physical activity and improvement of metabolic cost for movement by long-term caloric restriction in rhesus monkeys

Yosuke Yamada, Ricki J. Coleman, Joseph W. Kemnitz, Scott T. Baum, Rozalyn M. Anderson, Richard Weindruch, Dale A. Schoeller

  • Energy expenditure from voluntary activity makes an insignificant contribution to whole organism energy balance in murine calorimetry

Sam Virtue and Antonio Vidal-Puig


10:25 – 10:50                      Coffee/tea break, combined with sponsor exhibition

10:50 – 12:30                      Session 6:

Adaptive Thermogenesis

Moderators: Anja Bosy-Westphal and Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt

  • Brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and whole body energy expenditure in adult humans

Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt

  • Adaptive thermogenesis, glucose-induced thermogenesis and activity energy expenditure during controlled over- and underfeeding                                       

Anja Bosy-Westphal, Wiebke Later, Merit Lagerpusch, Janna Enderle, Ben Eggeling, Ulrike Preuss, Detlef Pape, Manfred J Müller

  • Contribution of brown adipose tissue to whole-body energy expenditure in humans

Masayuki Saito, Sayuri Aita, Takeshi Yoneshiro

  • Brown adipose tissue volume correlates inversely to shivering intensity in cold-exposed men

Denis P Blondin, Sébastien M Labbé, Denis Richard, Eric E. Turcotte, André C. Carpentier, François Haman

  • Adapative thermogenesis in girls with varying body fat content

Verena Haas, D. Stark, K Gaskin, M. Kohn, S. Clarke, MJ Müller

  • Nonshivering thermogenesis and its adequate measurement in metabolic studies

Jan Nedergaard and Barbara Cannon

12:30 – 13:55                      Lunch / Poster Session / Sponsor exhibition / Tour of new metabolic facilities

13:55 – 15:30                      Session 7:

Accelerometry, Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure

Moderators: Kong Chen and Guy Plasqui

  • Habitual physical activity assessment with accelerometers: new insights and validation studies

Guy Plasqui

  • Improved activity energy expenditure assessment with activity-type specific equations based on accelerometer activity counts                                       

Alberto Bonomi, Carol Morosi, Antonio Latorre, Niek Lamberts, Fancesco Sartor

  • How much do we NEAT?

Bernard Duvivier, Michelle A. Bremers, Antonis Antoniou, Marleen Kars, Nicolaas C. Schaper, Hans H.C.M Savelberg

  • The study of physical acitivty by biomechanical modeling, motion sensors and whole-room indirect calorimeter

Kuan Zhang, F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, Zhicheng Liu

  • A new method to estimate energy expenditure from abdominal and rib cage distances

Gastinger S, Nicolas G, Sorel S, Sefat H, Prioux J

  • Accuracy of a combined heart rate and motion sensor for the measurement of energy expenditure in elite junior basketball players

DA Santos, Silva AM, Matias CN, Sardinha LB

15:30 – 16:05                      Session 8:


Moderators: Jan Nedergaard and Lilian De Jonge

  • Energy gap assessment in the aetiology of the obesity epidemic in the UK and USA: From multiple assumptions to flawed conclusions?

Yves Schutz, Nuala M. Byrne, Abdul Dulloo, Andrew P. Hills

  • Decreased energy expenditure upon cold exposure: Possible role of Arrhenius Law?

Boris Kongma, Frijns AJH, Saris WHM, van Steenhoven AA, van Marken Lichtenbelt WD

16:05 – 16:30                      Coffee/tea break, combined with sponsor exhibition

16:30 – 17:05                      Maastricht Instruments Best Abstract Awards:

Moderators: Guy Plasqui, Ed Melanson, Kong Chen, Paul MacLean, Ander Sjödin

  • Quality sleep and energy balance

Hanne Gonnissen, Hursel R, Rutters F, Martens E, Westerterp-Plantenga M.

  • Compensatory mechanisms in response to an increase in aerobic exercise energy expenditure                                     

Mads Rosenkilde, Pernille Auderbach, Michala Reichkendler, Thorkil Ploug, Bente Stallknecht, Anders Sjödin

17:05 – 17:45                      Keynote Lecture 3: 

Movement in Energy Balance

Klaas Westerterp

Moderators: Guy Plasqui, Ed Melanson, Kong Chen, Paul MacLean, Ander Sjödin

17:45 –                                 Closing Remarks

Guy Plasqui

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